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What am I really doing when I tell myself I am not beautiful?

I think we can all agree that girls go through at least one point in their life, when they think they are not beautiful. I mean if that weren't true then why can you go almost anywhere, and find a bunch of girls wearing makeup. I am not saying that wearing makeup is a bad thing, even I wear some, but when it goes to the obsession that we are ugly or fat that is where things get bad. Imagine if you made a pot out of clay, you were so proud of it and excited about all the things you could use it for. After you spent so much time meticulously making it perfect, it hated how it looked and did everything in its power to change itself. What are you saying about God when you tell yourself that you are not beautiful? Are you inferring that God, the one who made every little thing in the whole universe, made a mistake. I can assure you right now that God doesn't make mistakes. The bible says in Genesis that we are made in the image of God. Think about that- the image of God, we can't even fathom the beauty of God and we are made in His image. Remember we are all God's magnificent, extraordinary, talented work of art!


I really enjoy music so here are a few songs that go with this:

Lovely by Hollyn

Work of Art by Britt Nicole

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